DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-6Replacing a BIU or Rectifier

Special Procedures

The following circuit packs require special procedures.
For components of the SPE, see “ Repla cing SPE Circ uit Pac ks”.
UN331 B Proce ssor ( SPE)
TN1650B Memory (SPE)
TN1655 Packet Interface (SPE)
TN1657 Disk (SPE)
TN1656 Tape (SPE)
TN768/780 Tone/Clock
UN330B Duplication Interface
TN750 Expansion Interface
TN573 Switch Node Interface
TN572 Switch Node Clock
Replacing a BIU or Rectifier
To remove a Battery Interface Unit (BIU) or rectifier first attach a ground ing strap
from the cabinet to your bare wrist then follow th e steps listed below:
1. Unlock the latch pin.
2. Pull down on the locking lever until the BUI or rectifier moves forward and
disconnects from its soc ket.
3. Pull the BIU or rectifier out just enough to break c ontact with the
backplane c onnector. Use steady even force to avoid disturbing the
4. Carefully slide the BIU or rectifier out of slot.
To install a BIU or rectifier first attach a grounding strap from the cabinet to your
bare wrist than follow the steps listed below:
1. Insert the back edg e of the BIU or rectifier making sure that it is
horizontally aligned. Slide the unit in to th e slot until it engages the
backplane. Use extreme c are in seating the backp lane connectors.
2. Lift the locking lever until the latc h pin engages.
3. Verify that the unit is seated correctly by ob serving the operation of the