DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-25SPE Duplication
When shadowing into the standby SPE has been off (as when the system first
comes up), system software chec ks to see if it is safe to restore shadowing .
Handshake communication m ust be up. Then software verifies (with Test #920)
that the SPEs have identical hardware configurations. If this passes and there are
no shadow-relevant component fa ilures, system software turns on shadowing
Once shadowing is tur ned on, it is necessary to refresh the c ontents of standby
memory to bring it into full ag reement with the active’s by c opying every word of
acti ve SPE mem ory t o the s tand by. Thi s take s ap prox imate ly 5 m inute s, tho ugh
traff ic lo ad c an in crea se the dura tion. When c omp lete d, th e stan dby SPE is sa id
to be "refreshed". status spe or the

Stand by SPE Sta tus Qu ery Test (#855 )

in the
STBY-SPE tes t seq uenc e ca n be used to c hec k the REFRESH stat us of t he
standby. Unless the standby SPE is refreshed, interchange into it can disrupt
service for several minutes. Otherwise, interc hanges are minimally disrup tive. A
standby SPE exiting lock mode or just released from busyout must underg o this
full re-initialization.
System software tracks the operation and raises a major alarm when refresh
failure occurs. If shadowing stays on, system software automatically tries to
refresh again 5 minutes later.
Generally, memory shadowing should always remain on. But there are c onditions
when the system legitimately operates with s hadowing off:
The standby SPE is undergoing any restart.
The ac tive SPE i s und erg oing a res tart level of 2 or grea ter.
The ac tive SPE i s loc ked .
The standby SPE is busied out.
In any other situation, it is an error condition for shad owing to be off. The first 2
situations are transitory and shadowi ng should automatical ly be restored within
10 minutes. If shadowing has b een on for several minutes, it is an error cond ition
for the standby not to be refreshed .
Initialization: Bringing the Standby SPE Up
When th e stan db y SPE has b een o ut of s ervi ce or is fir st c oming up, SPE
software executes the following step s:
1. Establishes handshake communic ation.
2. When SMM answers handshake, raises the standby SPE’s SOH to



if it has no critical c omponent alarms, or
partially functional
there are critical comp onent alarms.
3. Tests for component mismatch (test number 920).
4. If there is no mismatch, and no major alarm s against shadow-relevant
components, and if SMM p ermits, turns on memory shadowing