DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-95display events

Error Log Report High Resolution

The following display shows a typ ical result when display errors high-res is
entered with the default input se ttings.
display events
display events [print]
A vector event is the occur rence of something unexpect ed during a
vector-routed call d ue to resource exhaustion or faulty vector prog ramming. (For
example, route-step failures are typic ally due to the programming of an invalid
extension.) These types of failures are not due to faulty hardware o r system
software error and do not constitute in correct feature operation. This command
allows you to diagnose and correct vectoring p roblems due to the
above-mentioned causes. See

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Call

Vectoring and Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide

, 555-230-520, for information
on how to interpret this report.
Input Form
The following entry form is disp layed to allow limiting the report to event s of a
certain type or from a cer tain time period. Enter the desired p arameters and
press ENTER.
Category “Vector” spec ifies the type of event report to d isplay and is the only valid
display errors high-resolution Page 1
Port Mtce Alt Err Aux First Seq Last Seq Err Al
Name Name Type Data Occur Cnt Occur Cnt Cnt St
01C0702 ANL-LINE 311 257 01/31/09:20:21 1 01/31/20:26:05 1 255 a
01C0701 ANL-LINE 1051 257 01/31/20:26:18 1 01/31/20:26:18 7 4 a
01C0703 ANL-LINE 1053 257 01/31/20:26:18 2 01/31/20:26:18 8 4 a
01A TDM-CLK 0 0 01/31/20:34:35 1 01/31/20:34:35 1 1 a
01C1505 CO-TRK 078/001 3329 57408 01/31/20:26:07 1 01/31/20:27:28 1 5 a
01C1505 CO-TRK 078/001 1537 01/31/20:26:52 1 01/31/20:28:41 1 5 a
02A0201 TONE-PT 0 01/31/20:34:28 1 01/31/20:34:28 1 1 a
PN 02B TDM-BUS 18 0 01/31/14:53:03 1 01/31/21:12:22 1 1 a
1 A-PNC FIBER-LK 18 0 01/31/21:55:24 1 01/31/21:55:24 1 1 a
Command successfully completed