DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

9-408CLSFY-PT (Call Classifier Port)

Tone Detector Audit/Update Test (#43)
This test performs a sanity audit on the CLSFY-PT (Call Classifier Port).
1-3 FAIL DTMF digits were not detected correctly. This may or may not impact
reception of R2-MFC calls.
1. Run the short test sequence via the test port UUCSSpp sh r 1
2. If the problem persists, the system is still operating properly but
capacity will b e reduced. To restore performanc e to normal, replace the
call classifier c ircuit pack containing the defective CLSFY-PT (Call
Classifier Port).
102 FAIL 2225 Hz Modem Answer Tone was not detected correctly. This will impact
call-classific ation operation.
1. Run the short test sequence via the test port UUCSSpp sh r 1
2. If the problem p ersists, the system can still operate p roperly but
capacity will be reduced . In order to restore performance to normal,
replace the call classifier circuit pac k containing the defe c tive port.
130 FAIL Forward or backward R2-MFC signals were not correctly generated or
detected. This will impact R2-MFC calls.
1. Run the short test sequence via the test port UUCSSpp sh r 1
2. If the problem p ersists, the system can still operate p roperly but
capacity will be reduced . In order to restore performance to normal,
replace the call classifier circuit pac k containing the defe c tive port.
PASS Tone detection verification is successful. The call classifier port is able to
detect and generate all necessary tones.
Table 9-173. TEST #43 Tone Detector Audit/Update Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
none ABORT The system was not able to allocate the resources for this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 times.
Continued on next page
Table 9-172. TEST #42 Tone Detection Verification Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page