DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-160monitor system

System Management Violations

Remote Access Violations

monitor system
This command with the view1 or view2 opt ion displays one screen p age of
output summarizing the overall c ondition of the system. With the connection
option, the command d isplays the real-time status for time slots and buses.
Additionally, there are other miscellaneous p arameters displayed that show call
rates, intervals, etc.
monitor system [ view1 | view2 | conn [ pnn

pnn number 1 pnn number 2 pnn

number 3

] ]
Type The type of port through whic h the login violation was attempted :
A dial-in connection to a system port.
A physical connec tion to the G3-MT terminal connector on an EPN
maintenance circuit pack.
A phy sica l co nnec tion to the ACTIVE t ermin al c onnec tor on the SYSAM
circuit pack in a PPN control carrier.
A connection to the Remote Acc ess Port (RAP) on the SYSAM circuit pac k.
This port is usually accessed by dialing in and is reserved for use by
Ext The extension assigned to the data mod ule that was used to attempt the
failed login. If a data m odule was not used (as in the c ase of dedicated EIA
connections, for exampl e) the field is blank.
TG No. The trunk group that carried the incoming remote acc ess attempt (remote
access violations only).
Mbr The trunk group member numb er associated with the trunk from whic h the
remote access attempt ter minated (remote access vi olations only).
Ext The extension used to access the RAP (remote acc ess violations only).