DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

9-1351PROCR (RISC Processor Circuit Pack)

Processor Parity Checker Test (#899)

This test verifies that the Processor can detec t parity errors on the bus. If this p art

of the Processor circuit pac k is faulty, the system may continue to operate

properly, but may not correctly respond if a bus prob lem arises later. The

Proce ssor r eads a spe cia l memo ry lo cati on on t he SYSAM circ uit p ack to

perf orm t his te st. Pro ble ms wit h the SYSA M may also c ause this test t o fail .

PASS The computed chec ksum matched the BOOTPROM chec ksum. This part of
the Processor will continue to operate normally.
Table 9-531. TEST #899 Processor Parity Checker Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
100 ABORT The requested test did not complete within the allowable time period.
1. Retry the command.
ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command.
1338 ABORT The test is not allowed to run since a planned SPE interchange is in progress.
This may be caused by a planned interchange initiated automatically during 24
hour scheduled te sting.
1. Wait 3 minutes and retry the c ommand.
1339 ABO RT The te st co uld n ot run on the stand by Pro cess or ci rcui t pac k in t he stan dby SPE
carrier because t he standby SPE is unavailable.
1. Refer to the STBY-SPE maintenance documentation for information on why
a standby SPE may be unavailable and what repair actions should be
taken. The screen for the status spe command should indicate that
handshake is down. This may be caused by a variety of reasons such as
the SPE-SELEC T switc hes on the DUPI NT cir cuit p ack s bei ng set to the
position of the active SPE, a failure of the DUPINT circuit pack, or loss of
power on the standby SPE. The
SPE Select ed
field on the status spe
screen will display
spe a
spe b
if bot h SPE-SELECT sw itch es are i n the a
or b positions, respectively.
Continued on next page
Table 9-530. TEST #897 Processor BOOTPROM Checksum Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page